Friday 13 January 2012

What I Wore Yesterday

The mystery of the missing camera cord was solved! I can't really explain how it happened, it's still boggling my mind. Whenever my mama got home from work yesterday I was letting her know how confused I was that I misplaced it. I always keep my camera cord in my bag, along with my phone charger so I don't misplace them. Somehow, it had been misplaced though. As soon as I told Mama this she goes "well something happened that I can't explain, but when I opened my purse at work today this was in it" and she pulled out my camera word! What?! We have no idea how it got there, but I'm glad I found it.

What I Wore Yesterday - January 12, 2012
  • Olive green floral shirt, Salvation Army $3
  • Shimmery patterned skirt, Value Village $3
  • Blue panyhose, Wal-Mart $6
  • Gray knit hat (semi-pictured), Superstore $12
  • Boots, Suzy Shier $50  

1 comment:

  1. Love the color of your tights. Wah I want it to snow and it's been in the 50s all winter. Lame. Oh and my mom always blames me for being irresponsible and losing my things and they are ALWAYS found later on in her purse haha.
