Tuesday 6 December 2011

What's new pussycat?

I love cats. I always have, and I am 100% that I always will. Life has been nice enough to me that I am blessed to have two adorable black cats in my life. Sirius is my baby, he joined our family in 2007. He was the first cat I ever had, and my first pet in general. I would give my life for him. My boyfriend Daniel also has a lovely black cat, Loki who I'm glad is part of my life. I have a decent collection of cat t-shirts, books about cats, and even a few framed cat pictures on my walls that I found at thrift stores. I'm not even ashamed to say that I find the term "crazy cat lady" a compliment!

Why is it that some people think there are only certain people who can be crazy cat ladies? You don't need to have twenty cats running about, it's all about the love you have for the cats! If you smile when you walk by a cat outside, or desperately try to befriend your friend's cats, or decorate your home with cat decor and you want to call yourself a crazy cat lady, then do it! I remember once when I bought a new cat shirt from Value Village and I was all excited about it and simply stated that I felt like a crazy cat lady this person told me that there was no way I was a crazy cat lady because I only had one cat. Excuse me? If I have a crazy love for cats, and I am a lady then I have every right to declare myself a crazy cat lady.

I think there's a bit of crazy cat lady in us all, don't you think?

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