Wednesday 18 July 2012

Summer Update!

Summer is flying by, but not too fast thankfully!

I've been keeping myself busy, this past month I've already been out of province two weeks in a row to visit my dad in Pictou! Both times were great, fun times out on his friend's boat, traveling to Pictou Island, played my first round of golf and of course enjoyed some drinks whilst relaxing in the hammock.

Next week I have a job interview! This I'm very excited but equally nervous about. It's at Staples, for a part-time cashier and let me tell you, my fingers are crossed so hard they're turning purple!

Speaking of next week, my birthday will be rolling around in eight days! Next week also marks the arrival of my aunt, uncle & cousins' arrival in PEI from Calgary!

Now I know I've been really slack with updating this, so here's a collection of pictures of great outfits and share-worthy things from the past few weeks! I sure hope everyone else is enjoying their summer as much as I am!

In most recent news, yesterday I traded in my brown/red/blonde hair for this slight reddish brown!

The iPod picture doesn't really do it justice, but I tried a deep fried 6" cheese pizza the other day, so, so delicious!

Picked up this beauty of a dress for $4.99!

I was lucky enough to share one of my Pictou visits with my best friend!

Pictou harbor as the sun's going down. We were on a boat to watch their carnival week fireworks! 

One of the best parts of Pictou, aside from the family and fun that is had is by far Acropole Pizza!

 I had lost the original ball I started out with, but found this gem!

Also picked up this cute little fella to hang on my  bedroom door!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new hair! Best of luck for your interview! =)
