Wednesday 24 August 2011

~*First Post*~

I suppose the most appropriate topic for my first post would be to simply introduce myself.
My name is Samantha, but you can feel free to call me Sam or any other nickname you find appropriate for me. I was born and raised in the east coast of Canada, and I don't plan on ever living elsewhere.
I graduate high school June 2010, which was a year later than I should have finished but hey, better late than never!
As for my job situation, I work as a busgirl at a local diner that is owned by my step-father and his best friend. I only work fairly small shifts on the weekends, so during the week I feel like any other unemployed young adult. I'm content with my less-than part-time job for now. I've never been in a rush to grow up, and I feel as if that's okay, even if a lot of people wouldn't agree.
I live with my parents in a nice rural area that's just a short distance from town. I have a four year old, big, fat, sassy black cat named Sirius, and my step-dad has a dog (whom I don't care too much for) and her name is Kali.
I spend half of my nights usually in town with my boyfriend (oops, haven't mentioned him yet!). His name is Dan, and he has a wonderful black cat named Loki who I love as if she were my own cat.
My social life isn't too booming, but I'm trying to accept that. I haven't had a group of friends in many years, and each year gets harder to try and make friends as I've got some lovely social anxiety that likes to get in the way of life.
Now, I feel as if that's a pretty good basic run down on my life. I'll try to update this at least twice a week. I'll include photos from my week, you can guarantee there will be lots of images of the cats in my life! Maybe I'll even include reviews of any movies I've recently watched, or of restaurants I've ate at, just little things that allow me to share my voice. That's the main part of this blog, I feel like my voice doesn't get out there as much as I would like, and I'm hoping this helps!

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